
Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Exam timetable is up!!!

I was looking at the blogs I have done in the past and I just realised that it has been a year in which I have been doing these blogs!!! 1 year just went like that!
Moving on...

I am in front of my laptop writing my blog up for you all. Yes... it was a tiring uni week to be honest last week. Revision has officially begun and I have started my independent revision at home (not structured so far!). I also worked at the open day last Saturday (26th) and it was great because the turnout was big. The weather wasn’t all that because it was on and off (you what I mean). Therefore, my weekend was short and it just flew away... seriously!!! I lost an hour worth of sleep because the time went forward. I have to admit that I had to do a lot on Sunday but failed to address majority of them because of time.

Our exam time table was published just yesterday and it is not to my liking. The first week is going to be a killer week for me. I have my first exam is on the 10th of May and this is for SFM. This is closely followed with Finance on the 12th (see what I mean). Audit will be on the 20th and the final exam for CIMA is going to be on the 26th. I just had advice from one of my senior lecturers and what she said was logical and it is the best way to get around the first two exams.

Revision is going ok to say the least (considering I just started). I have experienced a hard year to date and there were times whereby I thought I wasn’t learning anything. I am getting there now and I hope to be ready when the exams are upon us. I have had to work under serious pressure this year which I didn’t experience in previous years. It was odd but it had worked in my favour as I have had achieved good grades for my coursework (I am still awaiting grades for 2 assignments). It is just 5 weeks left till my first exam.

Well this is the final week of term and yes it will lead towards the start of the Easter break. I plan to use this valuable break to build up my exam techniques obviously and catch up with everything. It is bound to be intense but there is nothing I can do to be honest. Obviously, I won’t be doing work 24/7 but I will look towards spending more time with friends and family.

Hope everyone enjoys the Easter break!

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